Saturday, October 13, 2012

Some thoughts as a Graphic Design student

Like a lot of novels, sometimes the first few chapters are dreadfully boring. I can imagine that this first post will be snooze-fest to a lot of people. While making this blog, I was unsure what my first post should be about. Its like writing the opening of an essay or deciding if you should play the good guy or the bad guy in a video game or if I should really be eating this eighth Tootsie Roll (I never should have made that stop into the Safeway candy isle...)

Then I got to the point of designing the blog. Blogger is really easy to use and most of the templates are nice and basic. Choosing one wasn't a problem at all.

The problem was choosing the font of the title.

That is nearly the most mundane task in setting up a blog, and I'm sure a lot of people do not even bother changing the defaults in the template. But there I was, sitting here for a ridiculous amount of time scrolling through all the fonts, shaking my head no and thinking there has gotta be a better typeface.

Its typeface by the way. Not font. The memory of my Graphic Design History teacher stabbing his finger in the direction of the student that accidentally used the word font will always stay with me. "Don't use the "F" word!!" the professor declared loudly. He then went on about lowering grades if he found that word used in our papers. Whew.

It was like a small victory filled with satisfaction when I finally picked one. I hope when I look back at this post, my future self will also nod in agreement. (Okay, it looks like just a plain typeface. It looks bland. But trust me, these things are hard on a graphic designer!) When I look back on my past projects in college, picking the typeface took the most amount of time. A fellow GD friend agrees. Its the small basic things that set up the feel of the entire media (in this case, the blog). No wonder there are companies out there that are commissioned to make specific typefaces out there (House Industries is truly drool worthy for anyone interested in typography).

Sorry, sorry. That's should be enough of me geeking out about GD. Honestly, if anyone kept reading until the end of this, I applaud you. You must be crying tears of boredom.

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