Saturday, October 27, 2012

Random Things I Cry About Part 1

Because I realized that it'll be interesting to see what made me cry when I look back.

1.) The song "The Fighter" by the Fray.
Bawled when I finally stopped and listened to the lyrics to that song. It is also a very real out Thought there have been several interpretations of the song, I still think of it as the literal meaning with an actual Fighter.

2.) A half run over cat.
Probably the saddest thing I had ever witnessed. There I was, riding a shuttle to visit a house my friends lived in and minding my own business. Right at my stop, I noticed two cars had pulled over and turned on their hazard lights. Hopping out of the shuttle at my stop, I glanced over at the accident, thinking automatically that it must have been a slight car accident. But what I saw instead was a poor cat half run over! You must be trying to picture a half run over cat right now. Half of its body that includes the tail, two hind legs and its lower torso were pretty much flattened. What was even more heartbreaking was that it was still trying to crawl around. One of the two cars had actually run over the cat, the other car was the first cars' friend that brought a cat carrier, in an attempt to draw the cat in and take it to a vet. I cried halfway walking to my friends' house. In my mind, it was still crawling around, trying to live.

3.) Frustration.
Not that I was crying because I was sad about the argument. It was purely frustration. And in my head, I was already plotting that persons demise. Like dipping their toothbrush in the toilet *insert evil laugh*

4.) Books.
Especially when my favorite character dies. Or in romance books, because were is the romance without some angst.

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